The secret to helping you wake up right at 5 am

Waking up at 5 am is a pain for you? Today I will tell you how to wake up on time as you like. Fully awake and not tired at waking up.

Have you ever heard of people advising getting up early? Get up at 5 o’clock and exercise, read, etc., your life will change. Yes, the truth is that it is very good and good for my life. But one thing is that few people tell you how to get up early 5am at all. They just say you should get up early 5 o’clock. And I have found a way to do this. As a result, I did it. Currently I still apply this way. And it is gradually becoming a reflex of me, not a habit anymore.

What is the secret of getting up early at 5am? That is you go to bed on time. Want to wake up on time, go to bed on time you okay.

The secret of sleep How to sleep

How to sleep on time? What time? Let’s first learn about the secret of sleep.

In the process of research, people find out that our human sleep often follows a cycle. Each cycle lasts 90 minutes and is divided into 5 phases.

Sleep stage (5% sleep cycle)

At this stage, the body gradually goes into a state of deep sleep and can be easily awakened. People who wake up at this stage often remember unclear images, some with sudden convulsions, an action in response to feeling like they’re falling before. This seizure is called hypnic myoclonia, which is similar to when you’re focusing your mind when someone pats you on the shoulder, startling you.

1. Sleep phase (45% sleep cycle)

This stage the eyes stop moving and brain activity becomes slower. Occasionally inside the brain there are rapid waves called sleep spindle, which become thinning as they progress to the next stage.

2. Deep sleep phase (10% sleep cycle)

This is the transition period between shallow sleep and very deep sleep. At this stage the brain waves take place very slowly and are called delta waves, sometimes interspersed with rapid waves. Temperature, heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure of the body are reduced, the musculoskeletal system also relaxes, sagging.

3. Sleep stage is very deep (20% sleep cycle)

This is a very important stage of sleep. It helps the body to rest almost completely. At this stage, body temperature, heart rate, breathing rate and blood pressure all drop to the lowest level, completely without the movement of the eyes and muscles of hands and feet. At this time, the waves that exist in the brain are mostly delta slow waves. People who wake up at this stage often feel dizzy, disoriented, and a few minutes later the activity of the brain can be strengthened again.

4. Dreamy period (20% sleep cycle)

This stage is also called REM (rapid eye movement). At this stage, although you are sleeping, your body temperature, heart rate, breathing rate and blood pressure all increase. The eyeball moves quickly back and forth, while the limbs are temporarily inactive. Dreams appear at this stage, for those who wake up suddenly at REM stage, they often recall seemingly ridiculous stories – dreams.

At the end of the REM period, the body usually wakes up temporarily for a few minutes and then quickly repeats the sleep cycle until morning.

How to get a good night’s sleep

As described above. To get a good night’s sleep, we need to get enough 5-6 cycles (for adults). And wake up at the end of the cycle (the final stage of dreaming and the start of a new cycle).

How to wake up at 5 am

Know the time of each sleep cycle. We can calculate the right time to go to bed to be able to get fit and get up right at 5 am.

The formula is: 5am ​​- ((90 minutes * number of cycles) +15 minutes))

In which: 

  • Number of cycles: Age-appropriate cycles (In adults, 5-6 cycles)
  • 15 minutes : It is the average statistical time of a normal person from lying in bed to falling asleep.

Of course, remember to set the alarm for 5 o’clock. When listening to the alarm, you will wake up with a completely relaxed mind. No more sleepiness.

If you find it too confusing, just use the calculator below. I have integrated the calculation formula above. Suitable for each age.

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Kết quả của bạn như sau

You should go to bed / wake up at:

  • Nếu bạn thức dậy vào một trong những thời điểm này, bạn không nên thức dậy giữa chu kỳ giấc ngủ. Vì chu kỳ giấc ngủ và thời gian ngủ được khuyến nghị thay đổi theo độ tuổi, chúng tôi đã tính đến điều đó khi tính gần đúng thời gian tốt nhất cho bạn.
  • Người bình thường mất 15 phút để ngủ. Chúng tôi đã bao gồm thời gian đó khi tính kết quả của bạn.

How to get to sleep quickly

If you’re the toughest Sleep, the time it takes to go to sleep one more than 15 minutes. Then I will introduce you to another method of fast sleeping of US navy. This method will help you fall asleep after only 2 minutes.

Step 1: Lie on the bed. Relaxes the muscles of the face including the jaw, the tongue, the muscles around the eyes. You may need to gently massage your face with your hands, rub your eye sockets gently, then swipe from the bottom of your jaw to your face through the center of your forehead. Perform 4-5 times for the jaw, tongue, muscles around the eyes to relax.

Step 2: Lower your shoulders, relax your hands. From arms to palms and fingers. You can flex and stretch your arms and then relax.

Step 3: Take a deep breath 2 times.

Step 4:Relax your feet. Similar to two hands. You can stretch your legs a bit and then relax completely.

Step 5: Imagine. Think of dreamy images. For example, you are sleeping on a small boat on a quiet lake, cool blue sky. Then the image became smaller and smaller, like a video shot with a flycam gradually ascending.

Or you can imagine yourself sleeping in a hammock in a quiet dark room.

Then repeat the word “Don’t think, don’t think, don’t think” for 10 seconds.

Doing so will cause you to fall asleep at a bad time. If still can not sleep. Repeat this process one more time, this time making it slower.


Combining both of the methods mentioned above will help you control your sleep absolutely. However, you need to practice the fast sleeping method of US Navy soldiers. Because US naval units also need continuous training for 6 weeks to practice proficiency in this method. They can sleep anywhere: On trains, cars, chairs, hammocks, … and extremely awake after waking up to duty.

Getting up at 5 a.m. is a habit. We need to do this continuously within 90 days. This is the method that I have learned from Mr. Nguyen Thai Duy only in his advanced training program.

You create a checklist on google keep. Then every morning wake up at 5 o’clock then tick. If interrupted halfway through, start over.

Checklist for 90 days


I’ve talked about the secret to getting you awake at 5am. That’s what you need to do in the US Navy’s 2-minute fast sleep method before going to bed at 19h45 or 21h15. And of course remember to timer at 5am. You will wake up without feeling drowsy or tired. Hope you are successful.

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